Finished project
I don’t know why. But that last arm took forever?
But I’ve now finished and it’s ready for Brianna.
The button is a sparkly ladybug.
I think she will...
Wanted: Calm When the Wind Blows
Once or twice a year JB and I go to the Kripalu Retreat Center in Western
Massachusetts for a few days of R & R. I do very little yoga because of my
Not Much Going On
Monday night I was back up Quartville road, to check on the food left
Saturday. All of it was gone, which did not surprise me. There are many
possible r...
I want to say this will be a quick update but more likely it will be a long
update with a little information on lots of things.
My mum is still in hospi...
Where are the Words for Wednesday?
Last month lissa in my absence provided the prompts for which I thank her.
For complicated reasons including a home insurance claim I won't be back i...
Bottom Attack
Katydids are fascinating insects that might be more commonly heard than
seen. They send out a rhythmic hum on warm summer evenings and are
excellent at b...
Update January 29, 2025 --- This day after Jackie laid egg #3 she and
Shadow were spotted briefly off the nest on a nearby tree branch having a
quick mat...
comfort in the midst of screaming saws
This past week in pictures:
I'm going to call the person I work with "J" just to make things easier. J
and I have been trying to figure out how to categ...
Debatable Issues
I viewed about 15 minutes of each of the infamous debates. I don't
take them too seriously because as we know, the way politicians get elected
is no...
I started these posts on Sword & Planet and Sword & Sorcery fiction
September 16, 2023, and the page has grown in leaps & bounds. It currently
has 580...
Fall Catch-ip
As I write this, we are experiencing yet another power outage expected to
last 4 hours, better than 4 days as some of our other outages have. Still
it is...
I'm Back
A teacher said to her class, "Right, I'm going to hold something under the
Untreated Chronic Pain Is Terrifyingly Agonizing
I am having the worst pain of my life this week. I know there are many
others suffering, too. It is unbearably debilitating. 🥺
“Few thin...
fires , climate , faith
I am not of the mindset that *insert bad news story* is a punishment from
God or a message from Her or any other thing. I usually see disasters as
One step back, two steps forward
I missed you. It's that simple. I just missed you all. After my divorce
and move to a new house, I put up a few posts to let you know I was still
alive an...
Never Too Late To Learn New Tricks
I'm half way through completing a degree in Music Production and am
absolutely loving every minute.
One more year and I will be a fully fledged Producer, ...
Slow food
I've had a strange summer. In mid June I fell while getting out of an
elevator, in a rush to get to my hotel room after a loud, noisy, crazy
family party....
Ridgeland Roadhouse
*From the Don Jackson Collection*
"A small buidling is home to a restaurant in Ridgeland." -- Library caption.
Get your Schlitz here. And your home cooked...
This is a better than average shot of Peggy because she's not wearing her usual photo-face (not too badly, anyway). As for Brewsky, there is no way to take a bad photo of him. Peggy sometimes sits and stares at him for the better part of an hour because he's so beautiful.