I took karate, I was impressed by tales of aged karate masters who had vanquished gangs of young hoodlums. I believed at the time that all ails could
be remedied with diet, determination, and exercise, and that age itself could be postponed
indefinitely. Now, I know the extent to which bad luck can overpower strength, and age can overpower anything. Still, it was hard for me this morning to
believe it for those young men, just as it’s still hard to believe it for
myself. I keep hoping that I will find a way to improve my situation, yet the years bring only decline. Despite my best efforts, I can’t turn it around, and the pills I take to
ease the pain will almost surely shorten my life.
friend, Gordon, died this year at 87. I remember him best for looking me in
the eye with the haunted look of the Ancient Marnier as he said, time and
again, “Old age ain’t for sissies.” I considered his warning trite, and got tired of
hearing it, yet he said it with an earnestness that left no doubt but what the realization was eternally fresh in his mind,
which I’m sure it was as he became ever more tormented by his failing body. Just
as he never adjusted to his decline, so might it be for me, yet I have another
friend who’s 94, and while he says he’s bothered by the fact that he can no longer
do much of anything, I never see him but
what he seems happy. I ask myself what he has to be happy about when all he can do is sit in a
chair and watch TV. My best guess is that (a) he’s simply wired that way, and (b) unlike Gordon, he isn’t in pain, pain having the ability rob anything of enjoyment. I can not tell you what a burden it is in my life, yet I’m
ever aware that there’s no law that says it can’t get even
worse (it almost surely will), but there is a law that says narcotics can suddenly stop
working. Oh, but how I dread that day.
* I wasn't so young in the photo, being 43 at the time, but it seemed appropriate since I was mugging for the camera. The picture was taken at a hot spring in Oregon's Alvord Desert.
* I wasn't so young in the photo, being 43 at the time, but it seemed appropriate since I was mugging for the camera. The picture was taken at a hot spring in Oregon's Alvord Desert.