is only influenced by immediate punishment, and even then the effects only last
two or three minutes, after which he returns to doing the same thing for which
he was punished. This is where technology is useful. For example, I installed
an alarm system to keep him off the kitchen countertop. When I leave the room, I
flick a switch and if he jumps up on the counter while I’m away, three diesel-strength
airhorns emit 185 decibels of sound simultaneously. Except for urine on the countertop, cabinet doors, and sometimes the ceiling, this works
amazingly well because he knows he can’t wear down technology the way he wears
down flesh and blood people who have more to do in life than control a
recidivistic cat.
him from burying his shit has proven to be a greater challenge. As I observed
him in his toilet one morning, I reflected upon how pointless it was for him to
bury that which I would have to dig up anyway, so I resolved to cure him of
the habit. To accomplish this, I began carrying his litter box to whatever part
of the house I was in, and when he would start to bury his poop, I would run at
him screaming while using my Deluge-a-Kitty Water Cannon™ to knock him right out of the box and into
whatever wall, chair, or table was within his line of travel. Now, he only shits in
his litter box when I’m asleep or away from home. The rest of the time, he
shits on my pillow. On the one hand, I have been largely successful in
preventing him from burying his poop, but on the other, things haven’t worked out quite like I planned.
have also had excellent results in getting him to sleep during the night instead of
keeping me awake by miaowing loudly while running full-tilt throughout the house (after which which he would sleep all day while I stumbled drowsily into
walls). My method consists basically of locking him in a room with a vacuum
cleaner everyday (he’s terrified of vacuums), and connecting the vacuum to a
timer so that it will turn on for a few moments every fifteen minutes. Now, he’s the one who stumbles drowsily into walls,
only he does so at night while I'm sleeping peacefully.
are just a few examples of the kind of work I have done with him and the outstanding success I have achieved. If you would like further ideas, feel free to buy my $30
book How to Keep a Lid on Your Pussy in Twelve
Easy Steps. You will find it anywhere good books are sold, which basically
means that if you'll send me a check (certified only, please), I’ll send you a link
to a Word document.