However, America is not just rattled by its newly discovered vulnerability. It’s also disturbed by: its impending financial collapse; the increasing number of its people who have no religion; its loss of status in the world to horrid little yellow men who don’t love Jesus; its inability to win wars against semi-literate and poorly armed “ragheads” (aka “sand niggers”) who don’t love Jesus; and the fact that its rich are getting richer, its poor are getting poorer, and its middle class is disappearing. America gives billions to buy the friendship of oppressive regimes the world over while its roads are falling apart, its local governments are laying off teachers, firemen, and policemen, and its people are dying because they can’t afford medical care. The belief is that a “return to God” will bring about a return to the optimistic materialism of the Eisenhower administration (mid '50s) when “In God We Trust” was first stamped on all American money, the words “under God” were added to the Pledge of Allegiance, and Christ’s words about loving your neighbor and doing good to your enemy were ignored, especially in regard to Commies, queers, atheists, and niggers.
times of fear, religious fervor often grows and religious people start looking
for someone to blame for what they interpret as the loss of God’s favor.
Well, guess who they have in their sights? Atheists, liberals, socialists, feminists, scientists, environmentalists, non-Christians, homosexuals, unionists, and animal rights’
supporters. Civil libertarians can win victory after victory in court to keep
America from becoming a theocracy, but the number of mayors, aldermen, school
administrators, teachers, governors, and other officials who are willing to
promote Christianity without the least regard for the law, or freedom of
speech, or their oaths of office is such that we can’t begin to sue them all.
The Constitution and the Bill of Rights that have for so long protected freedom
in America are honored less and less everyday and the Bible more and more due to
this desperation to get America “back on track.” You can now be
charged with terrorism simply by committing what used to be a misdemeanor
property crime. Your house or business can be searched without a court order. A GPS transmitter can be installed on your car without your knowledge. You can be
locked away for life without ever seeing the inside of a courtroom. The FBI can even obtain a list of the books you got from
your local library. Pre-9/11, such things were unimaginable.
Christians (Evangelicalism is the dominant face of American religion) are
enthusiastic supporters of such violations of the Constitution as well as “enhanced interrogation.” This Evangelical contempt for liberty isn’t surprising when you
consider that they subscribe to an authoritarian religion which brooks no
questions, offers no appeals, and predicts everlasting agony for everyone but themselves. The future is looking ever bleaker for those of
us who don’t go along with this unholy alliance of religion and politics, but
there is very little we can do about it. I don’t see how the current trend is even a good
thing for Christians, because once they silence the rest of us, history would
suggest that they will turn on one another. As the saying goes, “The enemy of
my enemy is my friend,” but once that enemy has been annihilated, the “friend” had better sleep with one eye open.
has been most breath-taking about America’s post 9/11 descent into
madness is how quickly and easily the very government that was supposed to
protect our rights went about abolishing them, and how few people objected.
Most Americans appear ready to buy safety at any cost, not realizing that oppression
from within is surely a greater threat than terrorism from without. In the
fight against Islamic fundamentalists, our government has the capability of
being our ally, but who will help us when the terrorists’ Christian equivalent is running our government? It is my sad conclusion that the only things that are genuinely
important to the American people are junk food, comfy recliners, trash on the
telly, and that most hard-assed American patriot of all, the Lord Jesus. Give
them these, and they will follow like sheep.