Finished with my granola bar, I went into the store
and specifically into the store’s male restroom where I sat down to rest with the hope (but not the prayer) that no one would come in and stink the place up. While I
rested, I got to thinking as follows: Peggy has never let me teach her the first thing
about managing her own finances…. Peggy’s refusal to learn about finances means
that I control every penny Peggy has including her workplace retirement. Peggy can’t
even get into her own accounts without my help…. My next blogpost will definitely say: “Hello from sunny Acapulco. I took Peggy’s money and ran away with a twenty-year-old
blond called Taffy because her limbs are so charmingly flexible. ‘You couldn’t get
a twenty year old,’ you say? Ha! With Peggy’s money and my drugs, I would say
that I made-out okay. Hee, hee, hee.”
Done resting, I left the restroom and proceeded,
first west, then north, and then west again into the main part of the store
where I headed (as I always do, no matter what I’m really there for)
down the indoor and the outdoor plant aisles, talking friendly-like to the
plants while people stared admiringly. I don’t buy indoor plants anymore,
because I don’t have room for the ones I already own, but I saw a Rex Begonia,
and I just knew I was going to make an exception, and I was right (it’s a lucky
plant that comes home with me, unless it dies).
When Rex and I got to the checkout, the 20-year-old
blonde checker said that Rex Begonias are her favorite plant, and that’s when I
heard the theme music from The Twilight Zone because I knew that her and
me coming together like that had to be more than a coincidence, and I became a theist
on the spot. Right away, I knew I should leave Peggy and marry that woman, but
then I remembered Peggy’s money which I hadn’t stolen yet. Then, I got to
wondering if maybe the woman’s name was Taffy. “Are you Taffy?” I asked. “No,
but my boss calls me Daffy because customers often complain that I charged them twice for the same item.” Upon hearing this, I
went back to being an atheist and drove home embittered.
I could rattle off stuff like the above constantly because it portrays how my brain actually operates as I overlay reality with imagination, something which I do all day long.