what I—and everyone else who uses long-term narcotics legally—have to go
through to get them. Every month, I have to go to my doctor’s office and put the date, time, my driver’s license number, and my signature, on a form in
order get a new prescription for a thirty-day supply of oxycodone. Before I
started using a mail order pharmacy, I would then have to take the prescription
to a walk-in pharmacy, show the clerk my driver’s license and sign for the
drug. Now that I’m on Medicare, I use a mail order pharmacy, so I have to mail
the prescription (I, as in me,
because my doctor can’t do it, and no one
can fax it) to a special address in Pennsylvania. For some reason, it takes
them two to three weeks longer to ship oxycodone than other prescriptions.
They send it by UPS (United Parcel Service), and I have to
receive it at my house and sign for it. It can’t be left with a neighbor, and I
can’t pick it up at a UPS facility. It has to come here, and it has to be signed for here, only I never know what time of day it’s coming, and I have
literally stayed home all day trying not to make noise so I wouldn’t miss the
delivery. One day, I waited ten hours, finally had to go somewhere, and, of
course, that’s when the truck came, and I had to start the wait all over again
the next day—three misses, and they ship it back. I have to do this every
month, which means everything else has to be scheduled around the delivery, only I never
know more than three days in advance when it’s coming, which makes it hard to plan my frequent doctor visits, not to mention little holidays with Peggy.
of this bullshit is the work of the DEA, but they don’t stop there. They also
require that I sign a yearly contract with my doctor promising that I won’t get
narcotics from any other doctor—as I might do if I were if I were an addict, or
having surgery. I also have to promise to always get my narcotics from the same
pharmacy. A record of all this—along with every narcotic prescription I have filled—is
put into a database so the DEA can be sure I’m being a good boy. Of course,
they don’t say that this is the purpose of the database:
Oregon Prescription Drug Monitoring Program (PDMP) is a tool to help
healthcare providers and pharmacists provide patients better care in managing
their prescriptions.”
Bullshit! Bullshit! The sons of bitches! How dare they claim that they’re forcing every doctor and pharmacist in Oregon to spy on people for
their own good! As might be expected, the news media is only too happy to handle
PR for the narcs by running story after story about the evils of narcotics—how
they are over-prescribed, how many people die of them (it’s an “epidemic!”), and how we need to use “other
methods of pain control,” all this without a single, solitary mention of the
fact that narcotics have a legitimate place in medicine, or that other “methods
of pain control” might be inadequate, either in whole or in part. Heavens no! At
the behest of the DEA, narcotics in and of themselves are coming to be regarded
as the enemy, and let the patient tremble who, for whatever reason, gets them
from two doctors or two pharmacies, even once, and woe be to the doctor who
prescribes more of them than the DEA thinks appropriate because he or she will be raided (we might not have money for road repair and social services, but the military and the narcs need never go begging). Bear in mind that such raids never happen before patients arrive or after they have left, but always when the clinic is filled
with patients, the goal of the DEA being the same as Bush’s goal when he bombed
Baghdad—SHOCK AND AWE. It’s their way of saying to doctors, Put the image of being led away in handcuffs in front of a waiting room full of patients into your pipe
and smoke it every time you write a prescription for Vicodin.
the bright side, I only have one thing to report: the ACLU (American Civil
Liberties Union) is suing to put an end to the narcotic monitoring program
because they are so radical as to think that what transpires between a doctor
and his patient—or a pharmacist and his customer—should be private, but, of
course, as every real American knows, the ACLU is nothing more than a left-wing nut group.