I am ashamed to admit that I regularly try to deceive myself into thinking that my species is more intelligent than I actually believe it to be. I do this because it's so damn depressing to think that decisions that affect millions of people, if not the entire planet, are in the hands of morons. This video raked its way across my brain like a road burn. Do I then think that liberals or independents would have responded to similar questions with more intelligence? Not necessarily, but conceivably. I say this because Palin Republicans take pride in their Joe Sixpack anti-intellectualism. Other voters might be equally ignorant, but they don't imply that ignorance is a virtue by referring only to the provincial and the undereducated as "real Americans." Remember, these book-buyers are not apathetic voters; these are true believers who might reasonably be expected to know something about the issues. Of course, it's possible that the interviewer rejected a thousand intelligent supporters in favor of thirty of the other variety. One can but hope.
In this corner I had the box with the owl with blankets on top
It had packets of yarn that at the time of purchase I just had nowhere to
I also ha...
Snow this is one of your best post ever....I cannot believe these people, they know nothing about the issues...they see a pretty face and hear drill baby drill, and think hey, she should be president of the USA. Unbelievable.....I read her book Going Rogue and trust me she is not read to be President of the Swim Team and she is not Going Rogue Snow.....she is running too the bank....how can people be so stupid. She does have a beautiful family and means well but oh I would rather Beaux run the Whitehouse than her or anyone like her.....hope you are feeling better my friend.....:-) Hugs
First off I was laughing my head off at your comment about awards.
Then I come here and I am in stitches. har har har
Thanks for the laugh.
Good texts I see you do not hold much, I like that! All I am going to say i that I completelly agree with you and that I am amazed and apalled by the degree of stupidity that exists, I can not get used to it either, nor can I understand it.
Palin's People represent the word stupidity. They spout off information with no basis, no facts, and form opinions based on gossip and what's popular and trendy. Who in his right mind would think it was a compliment to be called "Joe six-pack"
I saw Palin's mother on Tv at springfield Mo. last week and she said " people around here are just like us." I thought no way, fool.
Oh Lordy Lordy!
Oh boy, lots of enthusiastic idiocrisy exhibited.
Well, this is funny. But mostly scary.
Snow, my son Cory really enjoyed this video. (So did I.) He asked me to forward the link to it, so he could share it with his friends. He goes to a private Catholic school (my son, the atheist) where most of his classmates are Republicans. So, aside from standing out as a redhead with a foul-mouth, racist, pothead, Scrooge mother (who drives a car with Ghostbuster decals on the sides), he stands out like a sore thumb for his political views.
My point is that you have a new red-haired admirer. If you can get one more red-haired admirer, your luck will be all good from this day forward.
I sort of agree with you and all the comments above me to a point, and I think Sarah Palin will never be President, but I prefer (a) looking at her and (b) listening to her fans ramble on than, say, (c) 8:22 seconds of blaming George W. Bush for everything in recent history.
There you go being "heavy, intense, cynical, and irreverent" again. Of course this is what I appreciate MOST about you Snow! Couldn't watch the video - us rural low-lifes haven't enough bandwidth for movin' pictures - but I can imagine based on past knowledge of the type.
BTW - Happy 38 years to you and Peggy.
Snow even though I only live 30 miles away from Columbus,Ohio I failed to show up for the book signing. The blonde is pretty cute other than that??? I'm for it though I don't remember what or where it is
Snowbrush I am inspired by your writing here as well as on other posts. Thank you for your continued viligence to keep the flame of creativity alive as well as sending sparks of laughter/humor into the void. I am honored to follow your blog.
Hi Snowbrush!
Just briefly stopping by with my very best wishes for Xmas and the New Year! Can’t tell you how much I’ve missed you & your terrific posts since my last visit - but hope to see you very soon back at my place where I’ve just posted my latest Christmas "Lola Lifeline"! All the best & see you again soon!
I hope you noticed that there were no slugs present at the book signing! This was funny like Jay Leno interviews in the streets.
Hope you are doing well and healing nicely. Great post!
Love and slime,
Mrs. Slug
This video is scary snow
I wish you wouldn't remind me that they belong to the same species...
This is hilarious and scary at the same time.
To paraphrase the typical response: "I like her positions on the issues. No, I don't know what those positions are, or what the issues are."
Good post!
it baffles me that a woman who was unable to form a complete sentence without mistakes, would write a book. And more amusing, that it is a best seller. Go figure!
As someone who always votes for the one I think will do the least damage (as opposed to a really good leader - I don't think they make those anymore!), this is appalling!
Makes you wish we had to pass a test to vote!
this video is amazing
Oh god. I couldn't finish watching. I'll have to go back. I like to live in denial. i know. it's so wrong. i belong in the NPR intellectual crowd but what makes it to regular media today is so infuriating i tune it all out. It just overwhelmingly depresses me. and i know i should take more active interest in this stuff and add my voice, but it's exhausting because it's like beating your head agains a brick wall...
"Ignorance is a virtue by referring only to the provincial and the undereducated as "real Americans."
Now that is very scary, as others have noted. Scary enough that I want to go out a buy a gun. And I'm in Canada! Sheesh!!
Can these people actually read? Or do they just buy books for decoration? Hilarious video.
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