Peggy "wasn't ready" to get another dog until four years after our last schnauzer, Wendy, died in 1993. That other dog was Bonnie, who is now 13. So, when she suggested going to the humane society two days after Baxter's death to look at dogs, I jumped at the chance for fear that I might not get another one for years. When none of the dogs clicked with us, we visited the cattery--just for the hell of it, you know--and there was a little mellow kitten that, wonder of wonders, we both liked. I want to name him Buzz (he purrs long and loud), but Peggy insists on Brewster, and Peggy usually gets her way. Just between you and me though, isn't Buzz a better name? I won't hate you--and Peggy will love you--if you disagree.
Quartzville Road Scenic Byway
If you wonder why I don't mind going up Quartzville road, here's a link to
its Scenic Byway and Wild and Scenic River designation.Quartzville Road
Scenic ...
Maybe you name him Brewster but call him Buzz? My cat has a proper name but I often use variations of it. He knows them all - I think it has more to do with my tone of voice than the actual word I use.
He looks like a real sweetie and I hope he'll help you both heal.
buzz is a greal little bloke!
this post brings light to my eyes, theres just something better about people who cant resist an animal!
i hope he brings many years of mellow, disdainful, catty company :)
Compromise!!! Name him Buzzy Brewster!!!
I like Buzz... Sorry the pups didn't click with you!
awww he's so cute! I'm real glad you found Buzz...uhh Brewster!
I prefer Buzz over Brewster but I'm not wild about Buzz either. Too hard to say.
I like Buzz. :)
Aw, he is sweet! You could always combine the names: Buzzter or Brewzzz. Kidding. What gorgeous eyes he has! :) Pam
He just so suits Brewster. It'll get shortened to Brews or Brewski...both of which are full of character. And what other cat has this wonderful, unusual name?
He looks just like a cat I had a few years ago named Lennix.I still miss him; I look forward to reading the stories about this little guy!
Well, actually, neither name thrills me - I'd call him Lucky because he sure as heck is lucky none of the dogs appealed to you and you decided to tour the cat section of the shelter and chose him for your new pet!
In the spirit of compromise and marital harmony, I suggest the name of Buzzy Brewster. It's okay for a pet to have two names, you know. I once knew a dog named Barky Bildad, and our poodle had three: Pierre Jean-Jacque Dubois (but we called him P.J. for short).
Snow and Peggy - I am THRILLED you two have a new adorable little Furball in your home! You have been on my mind all week..... and what a cutie he is.......I truly like both names....but might just lean (a wee bit) towards Brewster.....
Sending you both hugs and a big kiss to "Buzzy-Brewster"!
♥ Robin ♥
I think Buzz-er is a most excellent name! LOL.
Glad you've a new pet to love though no pet can replace Baxter.
Buzz or Brewster? Hmmm, I like Buzzter. The fact that he is lucky to have a home for life is what matters most. Congratulations to the whole family.
Buzz! I have to lean your way on that one, though Brewster is still a good choice. 'Lardy' wasn't my choice either thanks to Kill Bill, but in the long run they answer to what the hell they want in my experience hahaha. Good to hear you have him, sounds like he was waiting for you. xxx
Brewster Buzz works for me. How wonderful that you've found him, whatever his name.
Our dog is named Jethro but I call him Punky Dunky or sometimes Binky Boo, and even Binky Dinky on occasion.
Name the cat whatever you like, but I predict you'll end up calling it something else.
I like Buzz (we call our cats' purring their motors). He's a gorgeous cat and I'm SOOOO happy you got one. (I have 8 cats: Sophie, Catfish, Garfield, Gir, Little Debbie, Feral, Bouncer, and Tigger.) He's a lucky cat and I hope he gives you many years of cat-fun. Our cats are all a trip, very funny...and they keep us entertained with their crazy antics.
I'm going with Buzz, reminds me of the bumble bee visit you had just prior to Baxter passing.
you didn't put a limit on the vote, im voting again, BUZZ.
I like both Snow and like one of your other commenters said, name him one thing and call him the other, at least sometimes.
Buzz and Brewster looks like he's going to make you and Peggy happy campers, but maybe in a different way.
So glad you have a new member of the family. Brewster or Buzz, he'll get lots of love. I like Brewster better. Perhaps you should toss a coin.
Thanks, everyone. I just thought I would fill you in on how we choose names. First, a hint, our last several pets were named, respectively, of course: Bonnie, Baxter, Becky, Buster, and now the cat will get a B-name too. By limiting our options to names that start with the letter B, we can narrow them down a lot faster. It's not that we're stuck on B-words because we worship the letter B. It's just that we gradually moved in that direction, and it worked for us. Maybe someday we will move onto C.
I like Buzzter too, but it may too easily change to Butzer.
Condolences on the loss of Baxter.
I really like Brewster but it's too long so I would have to agree with Buzz, and it's a cute name too.
He is quite a handsome fellow Snow!
Love Di ♥
I am happy that you found a cat. He is particularly beautiful and a name like Buzz is a fitting name for a buzzing feline.
One year ago, yesterday, we rescued Beau. Lucky had only been gone for two weeks, and Joe wanted to live a life of freedom, to come and go as we wished with no demands for a quick return home.
We immediately discovered that no amount of freedom can compensate for a hole in the heart that insists on an animal to fill the gap.
Neither Beau, nor Buzz, is a replacement for Lucky and Baxter. The hole lingers where they are concerned, but it demands to be filled.
I came here via Robin and KJ and I have visited before.
First, condolences on losing Baxter. We never forget any of our fur family, ever.
Now, on with the naming of the new fur kid on the block.
Buzz is my husband's best friend's name and they have been friends for over 45 years. That said, I think calling the cute little new guy "Mewster" would be a good name for this handsome tabby.
I was a vet tech for 36 years. Cats love soft names and they will respond to softer sounds, especially SSSSSS sounds. Sally, Sulie, Sophie, Shithead...get it? As if a snake is calling to them.
My cat's name is Bliss. I call her Pookie. She responds to both. Hmmm, no sssssss sounds there. So much for my theory!
I think you have to live with your new little guy and let him grow into a name in a day or so.
You and Peggy will know the right choice, after all, you chose him!
or maybe he chose you.
I wish you many years of happiness with this cutie!
Oh, I am so very, very sorry to hear about your loss in the post below... Loosing a pet is the worse there is...
On a lighter note the new addition is adorable.;) What a cutie.;) Buzz is a great name as well.;))
Have a great Friday,
So you're cat people now. Hmmmm. Wonder if there will be subtle changes. Did you get him at Greenhill?
Rest in Peace Baxter. It's hard to lose a friend. Something is missing when you turn around, expecting a face, a behavior.
I have guilt over Cattyhop, my cat who passed last month. I could not afford the expensive tests to see what might be wrong. She died suddenly of a heart attack or stroke as I tried to rush her to the vet, was only five.
You'll need catnip.
Strayer, since you're not only a person who knows cats well, but also someone whose life is devoted to cats, I'm wondering what "subtle changes" you might anticipate.
Well, Snow, I'll point them out when I see them, rest assured, evidenced in your blog. Ho ho ho to you.
I've been a dog owner. I loved my dog, whom I got in Alaska, as a companion, when I lived out in the plastic roofed teensy shack on Resurrection Bay when young and even stupider.
I would just say there is, in my memory a certain sadness associated with dogs, and their need to please their person. Sure, I suppose it is admirable. But when you enter the cat world you see a defiance, a glare, a stubborn streak, they won't obey you, they don't live to serve you or please you. It's funny. They're funny. They do what they like. You may end up frustrated.
Some dogs are more catlike and some cats more doglike, by nature, but I'm saying in general. That's why I say to people an extreme control freak cannot abide a cat.
Strayer, YOU had a dog?! I knew of your love of cats, but had never heard you speak of dogs, so I had no idea how you felt about them.
Cats get too much credit, methinks. They are what nature made them to be, and I see no reason to think that they have the ability to choose their behavior. Of course, the same can be said of dogs. It's not that one is better than the other, it's that one is better for certain people at certain times. It all comes down to what you want to do with your pet.
I definitely lean toward doglike cats. I think of Brewsky (as we've named him) as a starter cat in that he's mellow. Like with horses; you wouldn't put a new rider on a temperamental horse, so why give a temperamental cat to an (almost) cat virgin. That said, I don't now nor would I ever want some goddamn cat that bit and scratched if I dared to pet it if it wasn't in the mood to be petted, or if I rubbed it five inches behind its neck when its limit was 4 7/8 inches. I take Brewsky along when I run errands. I pick him up, flip him over, and rub his belly. If he's in his kennel, and I want him out of his kennel, I reach in and pull him out. He's my kind of cat.
When Greenhill got Brewsky, he had fleas, ear mites, and two kinds of worms. They treated all his problems, neutered him, put him in a foster home for two weeks. I then came along and paid $35 for Brewsky, and that included a free vet visit, a free month's worth of insurance, and 20% off in their retail store on the day that I got him. I have only good feelings about Greenhill and about my dear little kitty.
I like Buzz,but with my accent, Brewster is easier
Give him two names... What the heck hey!
Cool! You got a cat! I have 4 cats. I look forward to meeting Buzzster.
-- Ruth
Ruth, congratulations on being the very first person who I know in person to ever post on my blog! I'm so glad you are here.
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