Peggy, our five cats, and I, live in a modest 69-year-old house in a slowly deteriorating neighborhood. In the past five months we’ve spent: $11,000 for a new roof; $12,000 for plumbing repairs; $4,000 for property taxes; $2,000 for cat care; $3,000 for rain gutters and gutter screens (we installed the screens); hundreds for house paint (we did the painting); and an uncalculated sum of money on four vacations that Peggy took. Neither of us inherited wealth nor did our combined salaries exceed a middle class income, but because we saved and were frugal, we have never bought anything—including four homes in three states—that we couldn’t have paid cash for.
My pilgrimages to the marble and granite cathedral that was State Bank and Trust Company, are among my happiest childhood memories for several reasons: my town didn’t have another building half so beautiful; I enjoyed watching my money “grow”; and the young women who recorded my fifty-cent deposits treated me like an adult and had smiles that dwarfed the sunrise.
My parents also saved, but Peggy’s parents saw things so differently that saving money was the only thing her father ever criticized me for because he interpreted it to mean that I was putting my faith in “mammon.” instead in of God. He advised that I should, in the following order: donate 10% of my income to the church; pay my “just debts”; spend the remainder as I pleased; and trust God for help if I ran short. I considered his words the stupidest and most unwarranted piece of advice I ever heard, plus it left me to wonder how he could be completely ignorant of the fact that his daughter hated his Southern Baptist religion and shared her husband’s values. In fact, mine and Peggy’s only significant disagreement over money occurred soon after we married when I decreed that we economize by drinking powdered milk. A three-times-a-day milk-drinker, Peggy objected bitterly, but because she still had a vestigial amount of respect for her husband’s intelligence and had been raised to believe that “the husband should rule the wife even as Christ rules the church” (not that it worked that way with her parents), she grumblingly went along for several weeks before staging an all-out coup during which she would toast my health with “real milk.” (I drink powdered milk to this day.)
Peggy’s father wasn’t my only critic. Most commonly I’ve been warned, “You can’t take it with you when you die” (three such people later asked for loans), but I consider frugality a virtue; I would loathe owing interest; I like not having to worry about how to pay for things; I feel more secure for having money; having money means not having to deny myself; and despite my critics’ argument that unspent money is wasted money, I feel good about leaving money to charity. While it’s true that the squirrel who stores nuts for winter might never enjoy the fruits of his labor, it would be a silly squirrel who refused to store nuts. But then a squirrel is not a grasshopper…
One December when I was eight, my parents put me on a plane to travel the hundred miles to visit my 19-year-old half-sister, Anne, who was attending college in New Orleans. Our mother expected Anne to drive me home, but because Anne had no car—and no money, for that matter—she borrowed one. Upon discovering that the car had no gas, she asked me for a loan. Despite her promise to pay me back when we reached Mississippi, I refused. I don’t know where she got the money, but her considerable anger didn’t prevent her from covering me with her coat when she realized that the car’s heater was broken.
Despite her goodness, the wound I inflicted festered to the point that I don’t think she ever recovered. Because I was a child, perhaps the severity of her hurt can be partially explained by previous hurts she suffered over money. Her first hurt was inflicted by her father, Dustin, who, in the midst of the Great Depression abandoned his impoverished wife and two small children to pursue a playboy lifestyle. Upon Dustin’s death at age 36, Anne’s destitute mother entrusted her two children to Dustin’s siblings. Anne went to Dustin’s miserly brother, Ernie, who made it clear that she was a financial burden who wasn’t his real daughter. Worse yet, he interpreted Anne’s generous heart as evidence of improvidence, which he attempted to correct by sharing an Aesop’s fable entitled “The Ants and the Grasshopper”:
One bright day in late autumn a colony of ants were busy drying the grain they had stored for winter, when a starving grasshopper with a fiddle under his arm begged for a bite to eat.
“What!” cried he nearest ant, “haven’t you stored food for winter? What were you doing all summer?”
“I was so busy making music that I didn’t have time to harvest food, and before I knew it the summer was gone.”
“Making music!” the ant retorted as he turned his back on the starving grasshopper. “Very well; now you have the leisure to dance!”
When Anne later learned that grasshoppers are doomed to die at summer’s end no matter how much food they have, she condemned her uncle’s story as a lie.
My friend, Walt—whose death I described a few posts ago—had a Washington state friend who was beyond frugal. One day when Walt was vexed that Bob never visited him, he said, “Bob spends as little as possible on everything he buys, which is why he doesn’t have a car that will hold together for a trip to Oregon. When you buy, you buy quality. You’re frugal; Bobs cheap.”
Years ago, I won a trip to a luxury resort. That trip was the only time in our long marriage that Peggy and I lived like rich people are said to live. One morning while lying in our plush bed and watching ships on the Pacific, I had the thought that I would be enjoying myself more if I were lying in the bed of our van and looking through steamy windows while drinking coffee brewed on a Coleman stove. I don’t know if it was luck or intelligence that led me to marry a woman who has never once said, “My idea of roughing it is to stay in a Holiday Inn.”
I’ve known people who consider their purchase of new, trendy, name-brand items as proof of refinement, but used items cost less, off-gas less, offer a wider selection, and don’t deplete the earth’s resources. A 94-year-old American investor named Warren Buffet wears plain clothes and drive an old pickup despite being a billionaire 150-times over. If I were Buffet, I would give more to charity; buy flood insurance; replace three missing teeth with implants; and re-roof my patio, but that’s all I can think of, and I could do them now if I wanted.
Even so, I never feel completely secure because I believe that wealth consists of having enough money in enough kinds of investments that Peggy and I would have enough to live on no matter what happened. This is not true for us, so a flood, costly medical bills, an economic depression, a prolonged stay in a nursing home, or Oregon’s coming +9.0 earthquake, could really hurt us. Although most risks can be mitigated, such measures are often expensive and come with their own risks. For example, flood insurance would cost us $8,400 a year, and we’re not even in a flood zone.
A final factor in mine and Peggy’s spending habits is that after being frugal our entire lives, we’re not inclined to spend money simply because we can, and there are also charitable bequests to consider. People talk as though unspent money is wasted money, but because I already have everything I want, I’m happy to know that charities will profit from my death.
Hubby and I are on the same page when it comes to money
We are very frugal, especially in the beginning of our marrage. I stayed home to look after the homestead while he worked seven days a week. We were able to raise our children pay off our mortgage and then relax a little and start to have a few “luxuries “
I think it did our children no end of good hearing that we couldn’t have what ever the latest craze was as we didn’t have the money
Or that they couldn’t have the designer clothes They may have not liked it, I don’t know. They never really complained. So I guess they understood.
Since they have left home, got married and had children of their own. We were able to help them with things as we had money, but no debt. And they appreciate it more than that expensive pair of jeans the went out of style a few weeks later.
They too now are just as frugal and that’s is lovely to see
My parents, children of the Depression, beat some frugality into me, and so I agree with a lot of your sentiments. The only thing I can add is that having a spouse, or relative, or friend who will help you out if you need it is worth all the money in the world.
You know how to live as a true independent. I admire that. I had a friend stupidly frugal who will drive to five stores to save one dollar. One ploy she uses however to not spend her own money is to get things off charities. I realized she could afford to buy her own cat food instead of begging it off of me, claiming destitution, and cut her off. Money wise folk are hard to find these days. When folks tell me they can't afford to fix their cat but get their nails done or fly off to Vegas, it makes me burst out laughing.
As long as you both have your needs and wants fulfilled you can live a happy life. I agree with Peggy about milk. I want whole milk. We often had powdered milk due to economics when I was a child. Ick. Powdered milk is easier to cook with though.
Angela said: "I stayed home to look after the homestead while he worked seven days a week."
For years, I divided my work life between working at home and taking on occasional residential and commercial maintenance and remodeling jobs with my father. Peggy liked having me stay at home--instead of her doing so--because she was career-minded, hated the kinds of work she would have done at home, and because she earned more as a nurse than I could have as a carpenter or a school teacher (I had previously taught for four years). I liked the arrangement because I enjoyed most of the work I did and because it enabled me to be my own boss. However, we were criticized by various people, particularly my mother who often called me a "disappointment" and a "kept man," and said that Peggy was my "meal ticket." She also bemoaned the fact that, in her view, I would "never amount to anything." Most of our positive feedback came from Peggy's hard-working women friends who asked to "borrow me," threatened to "kidnap" me, asked where they could "find a man like me," etc. because along with maintaining our seven acres and doing ongoing work on and around our home, I did the shopping, cleaning, cooking, laundry, ironing (Peggy's white nursing uniforms required ironing), and handling of finances. So it was that, unless I had taken an outside job, Peggy's time was her own when she got home from work.
Tom said: "The only thing I can add is that having a spouse, or relative, or friend who will help you out if you need it is worth all the money in the world."
Yes, friends can often do what money can't, but then money can often do what friends can't. I have often heard people say that they didn't know who their "real friends" were until they needed them, and the people whom they thought they could count upon for anything disappeared while the ones in whom they had little confidence stood firm. Like, yours, Tom, my parents survived the Depression, my father having been born in 1909 and my mother in 1914. Unlike millions of people the world over, my Merchant Marine father did so well that he considered the 1930s the best part of his life, but my mother lived in such desperation that I think it fair to say that she was wounded for life, which might account of some of the behavior that I described in my response to Angela.
Strayer said: "When folks tell me they can't afford to fix their cat but get their nails done or fly off to Vegas, it makes me burst out laughing."
I'll bet they also tell you that they can't afford to have their dogs and cats spayed and neutered, which is what Peggy's sister told her despite the fact that she never missed a Sunday on which she tithed to her church. What this meant in her case was that, although abandoned puppies would suffer, her preacher could afford to buy her parents' three-year-old Cadillac (every three years, they got a new Cadillac). After observing the behavior of Peggy's Southern Baptist family, I concluded that tithing is just another word for the admission fee to heaven.
"I want whole milk."
Peggy and I grew up drinking whole milk, a and it was to her father's horror, when we switched to skim. I only drink milk once a day and that's when I drink chocolate milk alongside my strong black coffee while sitting at the computer in the morning. If you were to drink skim milk, it would probably taste like water, but if I were to drink whole milk, it would taste like cream. I think Peggy switched to skim milk first, and because I'm mostly flexible about most foods, I followed her lead. This would have been over fifty years ago.
I heard a woman on the phone in the supermarket yesterday talking about the "rich people who own their house" and I wanted to say to her I'm far from rich but then I realised that compared to her I am pretty well off. I think she was probably living in public housing and it's often pretty miserable.
I'm better off now than I was for quite a few years of financial hardship and I never want to live that way again. I will drive on toll roads if I feel it's worth the convenience, I pay for parking rather than struggle to park and walk, I pay to have my garden maintained because I can't do it myself.
You've done well to buy houses for cash, a mortgage is the one loan we had to have. It was 50% of the value of the house.
"I heard a woman on the phone in the supermarket yesterday talking about the "rich people who own their house."
I've read that few multi-millionaires consider themselves rich because of the many people they know who have more money than they do.
There are, of course, places so poor that anyone who has even a little disposable income is considered rich. Many people in this country who consider themselves poor, would be seen as rich in such places. One indication of this is that our teenagers can afford to rip the knees out of their jeans in order to look cool by mimicking poverty.
"You've done well to buy houses for cash, a mortgage is the one loan we had to have. It was 50% of the value of the house."
Something that gave me pause about buying houses for cash was that, by doing do, we lost the money we might have made by investing the money and paying the house off over time.
My late wife's favourite words were "We can't afford it" used over and over again. My wife now has never used those words once and I love it. We are tight for cash always for many reasons. But we get by.
"My late wife's favourite words were "We can't afford it" used over and over again. My wife now has never used those words once..."
I don't recall Peggy has ever using them either, but then neither of us would be willing to take on debt except in case of an absolute emergency, and we've yet to have one of those. I should think that marriage compatibility depends more upon similar values about money than about almost anything else. Certainly, similar views about sex, religion, and politics, are important, but I don't know that they outrank money.
Certainly, similar views about sex, religion, and politics, are important, but I don't know that they outrank money.
You got that right. Money was always a problem in my first marriage. Still a problem as in not enough on my pension but Tanya is a good money mananger mostly
hi snow, JB and I are not frugal. But: I keep a close eye on our bills and expenses, and I never let anything get out of hand. One way or another, this has worked for us. We have a checking acct for bills, one for cash expenses, and two related savings accts. Every month we go over our allocated cash account, and I often pull out extra money from the savings accts. But I make sure we always have enough. JB and I are very fortunate: our home has tripled in value, my godmother left me an inheritance, our daughter and SIL are secure, and we have enough to splurge when we decide to. We also contribute to causes we value (political, animals, local agencies.)
I am thankful every day for the life I've been given. The Trump challenge ahead is awful, but I'm already thinking about the mid-terms. What HAS changed for me is my faith in the human race. We're a failing species.
love kj
"our home has tripled in value"
Following a three-way bidding war, Peggy and I paid $70,000 for this house the day after it came on the market in 1990. Our November tax statement showed that we owe $3,900 in property taxes on a house that has an appraised value of $420,000. This is good, of course, but I never rest easy for fear of floods (we're only three feet above a flood zone but don't have flood insurance because it would cost us $8,000 a year) and earthquakes (we do have earthquake insurance). Like people, houses are fragile entities.
"What HAS changed for me is my faith in the human race. We're a failing species."
As I see it, a vote for Trump was a vote against all that is honorable and decent. Ours is a very short-sighted species, which means that desperate times would await us without Trump. Yet with Trump, these times will be happening a lot sooner. I don't believe that the misery which the human race has thus far endured will hold a candle to what awaits us.
Hey there Snow! Sorry it's been so long! I've been out of work and going to so many damned worker's comp docs, it makes looking for work so time consuming!
I'm the same with money. I drive a 25 year old car (hated that fancy 2017 I didn't feel safe!) and I was rear ended recently... by a girl dring a 20 year old car. So little damage and seriously, it would have been a rear end total in that 2017 and front end total for her in a newer car!
My little pup had a cancer scare this year and has cost me $8k! But she's a necessity to me! I'm hoping there's plenty left for some charities when I go!
Oh, and I'm with Peggy on the milk!! ;-)
Blogspot recently forced me to adopt a comment format that I dislike, but until I tried to visit your blog just now by clicking on it at the top of your comment, I didn't realize that I can no longer reach blogs that way.
I'm sorry your dog has been ill, and that you had to spend $8,000 on her care, but i take it that her prognosis is good.
I remember driving cars that I could stand on without causing damage, so I was horrified when I bought a new '73 Datsun truck and realized how easily it was dented. I later learned that thinner metal is safer for drivers and their passengers in case of a collision, so at least there's that. I grew up near the junction of two federal highways (you probably remember 51, and then there was 84), and fatal crashes were normal back then, and then there was the fact that cars with 100,000 miles on the odometers were rare. So, while cars were prettier back then, I prefer the ones today.
My husband and I have blessedly shared your mindset. Granted, we've both wasted money here and there but determinedly remain out of debt. Blessings to you and yours and have a very Happy New Year.
Thank for seeing if I’m still okay. My vision keeps me from much blog activity now. I try to read posts at times but it is hard.
I was surprised that in your adult life you opt to drink milk as do a lot of peop;e yet milk is a cause of inflammation in adults and powdered milk is processed so that is another health issue. We use mineral spring water like so many people in EU countries. I love how you see your life style and money use. The going to bank as a kid brings back fond memories. I only manage a quarter by way of nickels for my deposits but I too eas treated kindly by tellers. These days going to a bank is so different.Staff is constantly changing. And now they want us online.
Have a great new year.
I've been frugal, but I've also used Money to make Life comfortable and enjoyable too, why not, we cannot take it with us.
"One morning while lying in our plush bed and watching ships on the Pacific, I had the thought that I would be enjoying myself more if I were lying in the bed of our van and looking through steamy windows while drinking coffee brewed on a Coleman stove." Happiness is fleeting, chasing it wasting time missing out on what you have just described about your van - contentment. They say you don't know what you have until you lose it, that's worth proving wrong if anything ever were. Having a partner who agrees wholeheartedly how finances should be managed is most definitely part of that contentment.
I wish you both lived closer, we'd make sure you were looked after and without fear. Of course you may leave first, however over here they say 'the creaking door lasts longest' meaning that someone who is apparently in poor health may well outlive the ostensibly stronger; (recorded from the late 17th century). I've noticed this to be often true. X
Snow, what astounds me most about Trump voters is the denial or disregard of the climate crisis. That alone will be our downfall.i can see that my 46 yo daughter is realizing what’s been lost and what’s ahead for her children, and I’m both sad and disgusted by the choices humans make. Damn.
"Granted, we've both wasted money here and there but determinedly remain out of debt."
I wonder if anyone ever said to themselves, "I'm wasting money," while they were doing it.
"My vision keeps me from much blog activity now."
I don't remember--if I ever knew--what you have. I suffer from dry macular degeneration, but thanks to the fact that it was caught early and that I take the Areds 2 vitamins, the problem is thus far mild.
"I've been frugal, but I've also used Money to make Life comfortable and enjoyable too, why not, we cannot take it with us."
While this is true, to my ears it falls flat and sounds condescending when said by people--like Peggy's father, Earl--who are trying to persuade me to spend my money in the way that they think best. I can but respond to them that my goal isn't to spend my last dollar an hour before I die, but to leave a substantial amount of money to organizations that will use it for good. I never said as much to him, but I viewed his use of money ("Tithe to the church; then buy necessities; and spend what's left on luxxuries) as un-Biblical in light of Isaiah 55:2 ("Why spend money on what is not bread, and your labor on what does not satisfy?). Then there's Jesus' demand that his followers "to do unto others as you would have them do unto you." I now wish that I had asked Earl about such things because I can't help but think that, if he were among the world's destitute, he would want his wealthy neighbor to buy him food instead of using his post-tithing money to purchase jewelry and Cadillacs.
"I wish you both lived closer, we'd make sure you were looked after and without fear."
We don't need that yet, Dear, but the writing is on the wall inasmuch as the day when we will need it isn't too far away. Peggy has a niece in North Carolina who visited us in company with her preacher husband, Jim, five or so years ago. Out of the blue one day, Jim promised to "take care of" us when the day came that we were unable to care for ourselves. I had never laid eyes on him prior to that visit, and I didn't think to ask him what he had in mind until he had returned to North Carolina. When I later I wrote to ask, I was bothered by the fact that he didn't respond. I'm embarrassed to say this, but I hold preachers in the same low esteem that I hold lawyers, by which I mean that, while there are certainly many good ones, the ministry attracts more than its share of thieves and pedophiles because so many people trust ministers simply because they are ministers. Then there's the fact that he couldn't very well "care for us" from the other side of the country, yet Peggy and I would never want to live in a state that voted for Trump. However, if the day should come that Peggy is widow, that might be where she ends up because she has so many many relatives there.
Oh well, this post got me thinking so much - about money, frugality, and the beauty of a partnership. What you are doing works well for you, and that's great. I have also read some of the other comments here with a lot of interest. The rich people who have their own house - is very telling.
You popped into my mind this afternoon, thought I would check your blog and see you've been absent for a bit. Hope everything is well with You, Peggy and Felines. I love your stories, your outlook on life.
Finally, after a few missteps I understood the value of, as my Mother used to say, 'save your money for a rainy day.' When I sold my home in Orlando in 2005, the value had more than doubled and the house was NOT worth it. Almost embarrassed to put it on the market. But it sold quickly enabling the cross country move to Bend. Son Carl and I made the drive, a loooooooong drive. We took six days stopping to sightsee along the way.
This year we celebrate 20 years here. Carl is 63, I am 83. The cold and snow have become issues as years have passed. We are considering a move to Winston Salem NC where #1 Son lives. Not until late summer, early fall ... wouldn't want to miss the PERFECT months Bend offers. We shall see. Because I have squirreled money away and because our home here has more than doubled in value ... like you and Peggy we can pay cash for a house!! Hooray.
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